Dispute Resolution

Key to Markets International Limited (“KTMI”) is required to provide customers with a dispute resolution scheme. This is meant to provide customers with a formal structure to make and resolve a dispute or grievance. KTMI provides customers with the ability to formally make a complaint and provide feedback. If you are concerned about something, have feedback or would like to make a formal complaint please use the following steps.

Step 1 – Submit your complaint

Put your comments or complaint in writing and provide as much information as possible including your details (account number, name), dates, times, names of persons involved, what happened and anything else you feel is necessary to mention. When you are ready to submit your complaint, please email it to: [email protected].

Step 2 – Confirmation

Once you have submitted your complaint you will receive a confirmation email usually within 3 business days. The confirmation email will acknowledge the receipt of your complaint and will provide you with an approximate date by when you should receive a response from KTMI.

Step 3 – Response from KTMI

KTMI may request further information or have questions that need clarification. You will be notified and given an opportunity to respond. Once all the information has been gathered KTMI will issue a response with the company’s position on the matter and in most cases offer solutions for resolving the issue. Please note that whilst we aim to respond to a complaint within seven days, certain circumstances require due-diligence and have more than one party involved which can delay the process.

Step 4 – Resolution

If both parties are satisfied with the outcome a letter will be sent or emailed to the customer with the final resolution.

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