Follower |
Replicate the performance of one or more successful trading strategy |
Follow multiple strategies on your account at the same time |
Check your account in real time from the mobile app |
Join and leave a strategy instantly |
Open and close trades anytime |
Define the maximum loss you are willing to accept on your account |
Provider |
Customizable fee structures: set a custom performance fee |
No additional costs |
Display your strategy on our Social Trading page to attract new Investors and scale up your business |
Customize your affiliates commission structure |
Replicates orders with almost no latency |
Being a true ECN Broker, Key to Markets has no conflict of interest with its clients, therefore it can provide a safe and transparent trading experience.
Key to Markets is always at your side.
We work hard to provide you with the best technology and trading conditions available on the market.
Safety is your as well as our priority. Your funds are kept in a segregated account separate from the company accounts.
Key to Markets offers the opportunity to choose between different instant deposit methods.