
Key to Markets offers different CFDs on Metals, Energy and soft commodities for trading with NO dealing desk executions.

We aim to provide the same level of reliability and low latency conditions as those offered in the Forex Market.

All of our CFDs are “Rolling spot”, which never expire. They follow the same rules applied to the FX currency pairs with only one exception: the margin required to open a position is usually fixed to 1%.

CFDs Trading Specifications.

Advantages of trading Commodities CFDs with Key to Markets

  • More than 12 CFDs on commodities available to trade precious metals, energy and soft commodities.
  • No dealing desk execution.
  • Low latency and platform reliability.
  • Rolling Spot CFD type: these CFDs never expire and follow the same rules as Forex pairs (margin requirement excluded).

Commodities CFDs are for you if:

  • You consider volatility as an opportunity (commodities price can be very volatile).
  • You are willing to study macroeconomics, geopolitics and politics (commodity prices depend on these areas).
  • You want a Trader-friendly, reliable and secure service.


Symbol Contract Min Trade Size Margin Step Step Value Contract size
XAUUSD Gold 0.01 0.005 0.01 $1.00 100 oz.
XAGUSD Silver 0.01 0.01 0.001 $5.00 5000 oz.
XPDUSD Palladium 0.01 0.01 0.1 $1.00 100 oz.
XPTUSD Platinum 0.01 0.01 0.1 $1.00 100 oz.


Symbol Contract Min Trade Size Margin Step Step Value Contract size
XWTI US WTI Crude Oil 0.1 0.01 0.001 $0.1 100 barrels
XBRENT Ice Brent Crude Oil 0.1 0.01 0.001 $0.1 100 barrels
NGAS Natural Gas 0.1 0.02 0.001 $1 1000 mmBtu.
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